Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bella not eating .. went to Dr. D!

Why is she in a lump? Move around, Bella! Call Dr. D, now! Wheek! [Bella wasn't eating or moving so she went to the vet last Saturday. I thought she was in stasis (due to fur ingestion from self-grooming) but that was not the case. Her temperature was 105.9 (normal range is 100 - 103) so the vet took her home with her to treat the infection (cause unknown). The fluids and antibiotics brought the temperature down to the normal range so I picked her up on Monday night. She's on Baytril until the bottle is empty; the Propulsid was just for two days. So far she seems fine and is doing binkies when out and about in the bedroom (supervised); she decided to claim the cat tree as her own. She is eating her hay but just a small amount of her measured pellets. She loves veggies (in moderation). Another update to follow at soem point. Thanks again to Janet for donating money for her take-home meds!]