Sunday, September 12, 2010

And the updates for the week ... helloooooo?

Where is the staff person? Anyone on duty here???? Do I have to do this myself? Anyone? Ad run yet? "Need reliable blog writer: STAT!" Wheek! [Four of the pigs here decided to try out the Cavy Spa. Dolly and Kira particularly liked the in and out bath; very speedy! Izzy and Kylie got the summer mini trim. They gave the spa a four paws up rating and will definitely to go again. Suki and Luna were very busy yesterday checking out their new flower garden crash pads made by Piggy Palace. Luna decided at first that it was necessary to lie on top of Suki but since that wasn't exactly comfortable she decided to get inside her own crash pad. Suki felt that she needed a cave rather than a flower garden so she tipped hers on the side.]