Monday, June 14, 2010

Let the updates begin ... now!

Hellllllloooooooooooooo; where's the staff? Anyone run the ad? "New blog writer needed ASAP!" Wheek! [Bella hopped on over to the HRS for a photo shoot and promptly wanted to leave. Why? No carrots in sight! She did settle down long enough to get a good photo and promptly left in search of veggies. Bella is very user-friendly and sweet in case you are looking for an awesome rabbit to adopt.

Brownie and Blackie survived their bonding period and are total buddies now. This is good news since Blackie had just lost his companion to illness and Brownie had never had a cage mate before.

I received a couple of emails about a guinea pig who needed to be pulled from a shelter. He was having trouble walking and the cause was not known. He appeared to be a real stray since he was dirty and covered with mud. My thought was that he had scurvy due to lack of Vitamin C and a proper diet. He was released four days after intake and was started on Vitamin C and Metacam and assessed by the vet a couple days later. He was very tired when he first arrived and still eats lying down. He has perked up a little bit and it's thought that he will recover fully but that it will take time to resolve the scurvy.

Willie got info mischief once again. He feels that it's his job to keep an eye out on the guinea pigs so he joined Lucy recently in her cage when I went to get some hay. Not funny, Willie!]