Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's with the dump?

"I'm allergic to hay." Hellllllooo. Heard that one before. Wheek! [Someone I work with told me yesterday that he had to get rid of his guinea pig because he was allergic to hay. I knew he had a hamster that he takes excellent care of but I didn't know about the guinea pig. I told him that I could take her and try to bond her with Kira and Dolly or try to place her myself or through the local shelter who was looking for guinea pigs to place. My co-worker must have interacted with her a lot since she is very friendly and sweet and does popcorns and runs laps around her cage. She only weighs about 340 grams so she is quite young. I renamed her Suki and she is in quarantine although he had her for a month and she appears to be very healthy. I'll need to keep an eye out for any weight gain that might indicate that she is pregnant; hope not.]