Thursday, January 21, 2010

Now Sasha is in time out!

What is with everyone??? Call the SPCA! No more chasing! No more biting! Can’t they all get along????? Wheek! [First I tried putting Sasha with her sister Izzy and Kim. That was okay. Next I added Emma and that was not okay. Emma was removed and put in timeout. Then Izzy, who used to live with Emma until Izzy had her babies, decided that she was in charge and she kept stalking her sister Sasha and harassing her. Izzy was then removed and put in timeout leaving Sasha with Kim. However, it appeared that the better match was Izzy and Kim so Izzy was put back with Kim and Sasha was removed. That left Sasha by herself hiding in her cage. I then tried her with Rosie a few days later. Rosie had lived with Izzy after her babies were born. Both Sasha and Rosie were fine and were running laps around the cage the first day. However, the next day Sasha decided that it was cool to stalk Rosie so their cage is now divided. They have company but no direct interaction. Confused? I don’t blame you!]