Sunday, September 19, 2010
Where's the cam????
I want to know! Who took it? Call the guinea pig police!!! Jazmacam MIA! Wheek! [The web cam is currently down for two reasons. The first is that someone is broadcasting in another country without my permission. The second reason is that I moved the cage recently and enlarged it and have not figured out how to set it up again - it is not near the computer.]
2 weeks to go!
2 weeks for what??? I know and I'm not telling! Wheek! [Charlie was neutered two weeks ago and he has two more weeks to wait before I try to bond him with Kylie. Hopefully they will be friends. If so, I will connect the two cages so that they have a large cage like Dolly and Kira. In two weeks Izzy is going to her new home to be with her sister so Suki and Luna will get their cage enlarged also.]
No more sneezing for Suki!
What's with that????? Why? I want to know now! Wheek! [Recently I moved one of the cage shelving units to the front room so I could join it to the other one. I noticed at one point that Suki was no longer sneezing but I'm not sure why. It could be the front room location, or removed from near the wall heater vent, or the fragrance-free laundry soap. Whatever the reason, I hope the sneezing has stopped for good!]
Connected the cages
... about time! What took so long??? Wheek! [Joined the two shelving unit cages this past week to create one that is a little less than 2' x 7.5'. I used three grids to create a ramp in each cage with a platform to connect the two acrylic bases. The plus is that due to the six-inch height of the acrylic base sides there is a sleeping area underneath each ramp. The platform is secured to the cage sides; each ramp may be lifted up to access the area to retrieve a guinea pig or clean the area. At first the ramp was covered with a pad but tonight I used fleece. The other two cages will be joined in two weeks after Izzy is placed and Charlie's wait is up after his neuter.]
Sunday, September 12, 2010
And the updates for the week ... helloooooo?
Where is the staff person? Anyone on duty here???? Do I have to do this myself? Anyone? Ad run yet? "Need reliable blog writer: STAT!" Wheek! [Four of the pigs here decided to try out the Cavy Spa. Dolly and Kira particularly liked the in and out bath; very speedy! Izzy and Kylie got the summer mini trim. They gave the spa a four paws up rating and will definitely to go again. Suki and Luna were very busy yesterday checking out their new flower garden crash pads made by Piggy Palace. Luna decided at first that it was necessary to lie on top of Suki but since that wasn't exactly comfortable she decided to get inside her own crash pad. Suki felt that she needed a cave rather than a flower garden so she tipped hers on the side.]
Monday, September 6, 2010
Where to begin?
Been too busy here to take the time to update the blog; it's time for a recap of what has been happening at GPF. Tibby and Pippa, the two pigs from the shelter, were fostered and then placed by the shelter three days after they went back. Licorice and Sam, who was also being fostered, were placed later that week. The big news is that Nick was adopted and is now living with Coffey, a seven-year old female who recently lost her cage mate. For the past year Nick needed special care that put off adopters but that self-corrected over the year and he is fine now. Izzy had her bags all packed and ready to go live with her sister but one of Sasha's two cage mates got sick so that was put on hold. Suki still sneezes occasionally but exhibits no other symptoms. She has been seen by two vets but so far the treatment has not resolved her problem. The next try may be a look at treating for possible allergies. More big news, this time for Luna and Suki. They were first tried together two months ago and that did not work out well at all. I tried bonding Suki with Izzy and Izzy immediately attacked her (as she did later with Kylie). I tried Suki again with Luna and they hit it off immediate and spent their bonding time popcorning and running around the bonding pen. On a sad note, Tigger the little guinea pig who was abandoned and later found cover in mud and suffering from scurvy, was PTS due to his medical condition which did not improve. When he was PTS the intake person said that he was the saddest guinea pig that she had ever seen. Rest well on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, Tigger and then enjoy your fill of fresh veggies! Bella, the stray rabbit, had a couple visit her to see if she is mellow like their own rabbit. She is but they are still looking around for now. If you are looking for an awesome very user-friendly rabbit to adopt, please contact GPF. Suki has been very busy inspecting her new van whereas Luna found no food in the van so she quickly left. Luna doesn't seem to be scratching as much now like she did when she first got here. She's had a variety of treatments and will receive one more dose of the non-diluted Ivermectin. After Charlie's long drive he went to the spa where he got a bath and haircut. He was neutered on Saturday and hopefully will be paired up with either Kylie or Izzy. It was very hot here recently so the guinea pigs got to try out Becky's ice pack covers. Suki, Luna, Dolly, and Kira especially loved them! Kathleen wrote today to say that Oscar and Pyrn are doing fine. She mentioned that when she took them out on an errand she heard some people say "look at the baby teacup Shih Tzus!". (They are Peruvians.) The web cam is still down since someone else is publishing it as their own overseas.
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